Suffering from Long COVID? A recent Naturopathy client saw improvements in a few weeks

What happened to her symptoms after 3 weeks of herbs/nutrition
UK Socio-Political Astrology Predictions

The UK Astrology chart for 21st Dec 2020 indicates the potential Political & Economic outlook up to the 21st March 2021. What does the chart show?
Calling All Men! Your Fatigue, Weight & Mood issues may relate to your hormones!

Hormonal balance is essential to maintain optimal health and plays a key role in your mood and energy levels
Naturopathy – a natural approach to improving your medical issues

If you are interested in a natural approach to improving your Medical issues, or curious as to how Astrology may benefit you in times of change/crisis, my interview may answer any questions you have!
What Magical Learnings Came from a Dying Pigeon in my Tooting Garden?

I was given an important Spiritual message this Mon night while I was in my home in Wandsworth. An elderly pigeon decided to die in my garden! It flew into my garden at 6pm with its friend. It picked at birdseed. It sat motionless, all puffed up for a while (not a good sign for a bird) By 6.30pm, while I cooked my dinner, it was dead!
Free International Astrology Conference Sat 20th March 2021

Its International Astrology Day this Sat 20th March! A FREE International Astrology Conference starts this Saturday at 4.15pm UK time & goes on until after midnight! Lots of great Speakers presenting on a wide range of topics. The theme for the Conference is ‘Care & Community’ so Health & Wellness is a focus.
Are You Listening to the Guidance from your Animal Spirit Guides?

A few weeks ago, I was walking along the pavement where I live in Tooting. Guess who I saw walking on the pavement ahead of me? A SQUIRREL!!! Not in a garden, not in a park, but walking on the pavement in front of me!. You are ALL given messages from your Animal Spirits every day.