What Magical Learnings Came from a Dying Pigeon in my Tooting Garden?

I was given an important Spiritual message this Mon night while I was in my home in Wandsworth. An elderly pigeon decided to die in my garden! It flew into my garden at 6pm with its friend. It picked at birdseed. It sat motionless, all puffed up for a while (not a good sign for a bird) By 6.30pm, while I cooked my dinner, it was dead!

I asked the universe to take its soul easily & swiftly to the celestial realms. I said a little prayer for it. I also asked the universe for the foxes that come into my garden at night to take the dead pigeon away. I didn’t really want to deal with the corpse!

By 7pm…..the dead pigeon was gone! Foxes! Only some feathers left!

Then at 7.15pm I attended an online lecture by the Astrology Lodge of London on….’Death Charts as Cosmic Obituaries’. Synchronicity eh?

The next morning the story continued as loads of little sparrows/thrushes etc were in my garden, grabbing pigeon feathers in their beaks, to feather their nests!

What Was The Magical Message These Animals Were Communicating to Me in my SW London Garden?

The spiritual lesson? When we die, we continue to be of service to the universe. Our story continues….its not really ‘THE END’

What message do you feel you are being given by this story? Keen to experience a Shamanic Healing to shift your energy & remove blocks to fulfilling your Life Path?

Anita spent 7 years in Sydney learning Native American Shamanic Healing Techniques from Medicine Crow, a Cherokee Chief.

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